Friday, January 25, 2008

Ask and You'll Receive. Just like that?

Like most young people, I struggle to stay afloat financially; I miss my family, who live far away, so bad that I constantly hound them about moving my way; and I wonder when, or if, I’ll ever find that “someone” and get married.

This short list is just a fraction of a more extensive inventory of things that cause me to worry, keep me up at night, and stay unchecked on my never-ending “To Do” list.

Sometimes I let these things get to me. And sometimes I try to remind myself of the bigger picture—that I’ll look back on them 10 years from now with a whole new set of things to deal with and laugh at how petty the old ones were.

I don’t think these states-of-mind are out of the norm for most people. Yes, even those who follow Christ. I just have a problem of trying to deal with everything on my own and I can’t decide which one I want to live in.

“Ask God for what you want and need. Just ask.” This is all I’ve heard lately—from Sunday sermons, to small group Bible study, to my daily e-mail devotional. Perhaps this is the Holy Spirit’s response to this growing issue in my life. Still, the understanding I have about this simple message doesn’t make me want to give my stuff up to Him or ask for His help.

I’ve always had a hard time asking people for things because I don’t want to put anyone out. And I always feel so selfish asking God for anything, so I regularly say, “I know you’re busy and I don’t want to inconvenience you, so I just won’t worry you with my life. I’ll just take these things on.”

But Jesus said, “Whatever you ask in My name, I will do it so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it” (John 14:13-14).

And He offers up at least one answer regarding things unanswered, not resolved, or unfinished in our lives in Matthew 6:25-34: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

I haven’t worked all this out in my heart and head yet. And I know what God’s Word says, but I need to implement these truths into my life—and sometimes, for me, it’s a process of figuring out how.

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