Monday, August 2, 2010

Finding my way

I'm pretty consistent about getting into the habit of blogging a good two times a year. It's a lot like the amount of times I start getting really serious about diet and exercise. And then, of course, I fall off the bandwagon every time. Here I am again...trying to make a new start.

My problem with blogging is that I don't know how big my filter should be. Who in the world wants to know every details of my life? That I go through my apartment every night before bed to make sure every appliance and piece of furniture is situated correctly? That I am a freakish creature of habit? That I talk to my parents at least three times a day and play a few games of mobile phone Solitaire every day just for fun? See? It's not very interesting at all.

This I do know. I love to write. I love telling stories. So I'm looking for my voice somewhere in the vicinity of that passion to tell stories. Not just any stories. Stories of life change that inspire us to be better, do better, and love God more. Be back real soon...promise.

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