Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Daily Walk #1: I want to be like Mary

Back in January, I got asked to join in with a team of writers at my church to provide daily devotionals for our congregation who are currently reading through the Bible in a year. 

I know, I know...I'm already the "paid" writer and editor at Brentwood Baptist. But it's not often I get to write in my voice and own it. So I'm passing along on this blog the ones I've written so far...

Scripture Passage:
Luke 1:26-38

Key Verse:
“I am the Lord’s slave,” said Mary. “May it be done to me according to your word.”
—Luke 1:38

Let’s just set the record straight. If an angel of the Lord had approached me—like he did Mary—with even so much as a “hello” or “how’s it going?” I would’ve thought I’d lost all my marbles.

So I love that, in the beginning of this passage, Luke (the ever accurate doctor) describes Mary’s initial reaction to the angels greeting as “deeply troubled by this statement.” Ha. Nice one, Brother Luke. Way to play that one down.

Moving on, had said angel informed me I was now pregnant and would soon give birth to the Son of God, the One who was sent to save all of mankind, I would’ve royally freaked out.

What will my parents think? What will my betrothed think? What will my community think? What will my church family think? Why me? Why now? What in the world?!

Good thing it was Mary and not me.

She was favored. She sensed the reality and weight of this task nearly immediately. And she didn’t ask 99 questions, require a signed contract, and demand an explanation from the Most High—like I usually do when He asks me to do something.

And wasn’t that nice of the angel to assure her of the miracle-next-door happening with Cousin Elizabeth? “For nothing is impossible with God.” That was the cherry on top of it all. It was the equals sign to the crazy equation he’d just laid out.

But this is where this passage gets me every time. Without hesitation, Mary willingly went along with His plan, even though she risked being stoned to death or shunned for what looked like the scandal of the millennium.

She was a very special 15-year-old. She didn’t nag or complain. She wasn’t worried about whether or not her skinny jeans would fit into the seventh month of her pregnancy. There was no wavering of faith or calling the angel a “creeper.”

Mary simply replied, “OK, Lord. Done. I belong to You, so whatever you ask, I’ll do it.”

That’s the kind of trust and obedience I want in my relationship with Jesus. Don’t you?

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